Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Tearless Onions!

First there were Funyuns, a tasty Frito-Lay oniony snack of the 70's. Today we are being introduced to Sunions, an almost a homophone/homograph but not quite, oniony replacement for those everyday onions that turn the greatest stoics into a weepy mess of goo. I just read about them in the Times, and so can you (if you can get past the paywall). Or you can buy a pack of 3 for £1.50 at Waitrose and test them out yourselves.

Sadly, they do not yet seem to be available in Modena, so I shall have to resort to the old-fashioned ways. In my youth, during a 3-month stint in a kibbutz kitchen where it was my job to prepare the onions each morning for hundreds of people, once my eyes had swollen to the point where I could no longer be trusted with a knife, someone would call for Eitan, and he would unlock the meat freezer and stand me in there for a couple of minutes. Nowadays, with a 2-drawer freezer in our kitchen that is too low down to stick my head in, I resort to the surprisingly successful folk method of holding a wooden spoon between my teeth whilst slicing. Such fun (yuns).

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