Saturday, July 31, 2021

Here We Go Again

The final pre-season friendly for my beloved 'R's just finished at the Kiyan Prince Stadium in Shepherds Bush. They drew 3-3 with PL Leicester City, who equalised with a penalty in the final minutes. Celebrating Barbet's goal are the other QPR scorers, Dickie & Austin.

We looked rather good. After beating MUFC in the last home game, albeit also in a friendly match, hope is starting to rise from the depths of our hearts. Shhhhhhhhh! This is what it means to be a football fan, to be a QPR fan. Looks like we're going to have a bit of a ride this season. COYRS!

Friday, July 30, 2021

The Ecstasy & the Agony

Once again, a penalty miss derails a British attempt to win a medal in a major competition. Team GB leaves the Olympic Women's Football tournament at the quarter-final stage after giving up an equaliser for 2-2 in the 89th minute, missing a penalty in extra-time for 3-2, and ultimately losing 3-4 to the Matildas thanks mainly to their captain, Sam Kerr (what a fantastic player, something I feel able to celebrate as she isn't representing her WSL team at this point!).

What is it with GB/England teams and penalties? Of course they practice them, but there just seems to be some kind of historical hoodoo on them. Ah well, so it goes.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

When is a Day Longer Than a Year?

Stretching my brain as always, the latest series of Only Connect hurt my brain today when VCM mentioned a planet whose day is longer than its year. How can it be? But it is so.

Rav Google informs me:  a day on VENUS is longer than a year (on Venus). It takes Venus longer to rotate once on its axis than to complete one orbit of the Sun. It takes 243 Earth days for Venus to rotate once (the longest rotation of any planet in our Solar System), and only 224.7 Earth days to complete one trip round the Sun.

Took me several minutes to get my head round that. 

Monday, July 26, 2021

#DrawingTogether with Dr Lottie Corr

Last night there was another wonderful hour together with the Graphic Medicine community for our monthly #DrawingTogether. This time we were led by Dr Lottie Corr, and my Zoom screen was definitely too small to contain her joie de vivre and encouragement.

Our introductory prompt was to draw 4 panels. In the first two we were to draw 2 objects we could see in the room, and name them. I decided to name my fan after her Italian identity rather than an English one. The third panel was captioned "Suddenly" & the fourth "And then ..." We had 5 minutes, which is always so much shorter than I think it will be. And then, of course, we got to see what others had done and maybe share our own ideas.

For the second prompt, Dr Lottie talked a little about comics as maps, and asked us to create 6 panels that mapped where we were. She suggested that we draw objects that others might not know.

I started with my MickeyD's Batman movie mug from which I always drink my water. As usual, I made a mess of the perspective, and used up a lot of the 10 minutes trying to fix it (that is supposed to be a drop of water as the edge of the panel). Next was the panda on the sofa, and this was an interesting experience because I decided to draw quickly, without thinking about perspective, just drawing what I saw. By the time I got to the kippah, there were only a couple of  minutes left, and I wasted precious seconds wondering how others get so much done within the time allotted. 

Time for the second sharing. Usually I try to go near the beginning, so I can look at everyone else's work without worrying about what I am going to say. This time I waited to put up my hand. And then I realised ... that gave me another couple of minutes to draw (#cheater!). Hmmmmm!

If you look on FB & Insta & Twitter you may find under #DrawingTogetherGM the drawings of others present last night, and at other meetings. I love this group - for its inclusivity, for its diversity, and especially because it inspires me to put my pencil to a piece of paper and actually draw!

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Jackie Mason is Dead

In Judaism we are encouraged to speak the truth about somebody when they have died. We shouldn't be mean, but we should be honest. 

Jackie Mason was quite a well-known comedian in the US, whose humour was based on a sense of outrage. He came from a long line of rabbis - apparently his sermons were funny, and got funnier and funnier until they became a stand-up routine and he dropped the service part and went professional. My father knew him a little, because he was friends with one of Mason's rabbi brothers back in the day in Pennsylvania, and this brother took my dad to some of the early performances.

Several years later, I met Mr Mason in London. I went to his hotel with an appointment to take his photograph for the Jewish paper I worked for at that time. He was sitting with his entourage at a large round table in the hotel dining-room, and invited me to join them. After discovering that I was my father's daughter, he proceeded to tell a story to the group about the olden days that included rude comments about my father (I am blanking on the details. I only remember feeling humiliated). He then gave me 30 seconds to take a shot, and sent me packing.

He was clearly an intelligent and talented person. He was also full of rage. He may well have had good reason to be so angry, but I watched his act a few times over the years, and am sad that rather than working things out, he seemed to me to become more and more bitter. I wish he could have found a better way to use his gifts. May he rest in peace.


Saturday, July 24, 2021

Is Anyone Watching the Olympics?

Is anyone watching the Olympics? I am. Enjoying the women's footy so far (Barbra Banda! Miedema! Ellen White!!!) and, thanks to having got caught up in collecting the Olympic stickers of the Italian team from Esselunga, am also noticing some more locally relevant action.

It's only the first day, so let's see how it goes. Shavuatov, have a great week!

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Piglet Retrospective XIX



Here is our friend Piglet, basking in the sun on the beach at Eastbourne. Many of us are hoping for beach holidays this summer, especially after such a difficult year. However, it may not be safe yet. If you get the chance to go to the seaside, please do be careful. Wear a mask and keep some social distance. Piglet doesn't have to since he's not a sentient being. But we do. It's still possible to enjoy the water, the sand and the sun. Have a great summer!

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Mahmood bowls to Babar at the start of the Pakistan innings in the second T20 at Headingley today.

If you are a cricket fan, you'll know what's going on. If not, here is the tea-towel version:

Cricket:  As explained to a foreigner ...

You have two sides, one out in the field and one in. Each person that's in the side that's in goes out, and when they are out they come in and the next person goes in until they are out. When they are all out, the side that is out comes in and the side that's been in goes out and tries to get those coming in, out. Sometimes you get people still in and not out. When someone goes out to go in, the people who are out try to get them out, and when they are out they go in and the next person in goes out and goes in. There are two people called umpires who stay out all the time and they decide when the people who are in are out. When both sides have been in and all the players have been out, and both sides have been out twice after all the people have been in, including those who are not out, that is the end of the game!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Yes They Have Apricots!

You know how it is, one moment you're just going for a little drive out into the countryside, mostly because the car has aircon (and your flat does not and it's 30/86 degrees outside and you are on the third floor), and the next thing you know there are 10 kg/22 lbs of apricots in the boot/trunk!

It all started last year because I was looking for apricots, but a spring frost had damaged the crop so there were none to be found. Instead I got cherries, and then plums, and finally peaches; and a jamming career had begun! This time I went looking for peaches, and was handsomely rewarded with my dream fruit.

The first half is now jam, with thanks to the movie "Yesterday" and the documentary "My Octopus Teacher". Hopefully the second half will be completed late tonight. 

Friday, July 09, 2021

Sixty Years Ago Today

Lots of days of remembering in the last few weeks. The final one for this section of the year is today, which marks 60 years exactly since the chuppah of Evelyn Philipp & Albert H Friedlander at the West London Synagogue. Obviously I do not remember that day, but I do remember my mother telling me that there were dozens of rabbis present as it took place during the 12th conference of the  World Union for Progressive Judaism.

The last major wedding anniversary that we celebrated together was their 40th, when they were both teaching courses in Berlin for a semester. That was a lovely party, with family & friends. I remember sitting with everyone at a cafe on the Ku'damm and my sister pointing out that, despite all the terrible experiences that our parents' generation had suffered, the bad guys were gone, and here our family was, gathered in Berlin for a celebration.

With thanks to WUPJ, at whose Youth conference my parents first met, I sit in Modena and raise a glass of fine Lambrusco to toast my parents on this anniversary of their marriage.

Thursday, July 08, 2021

Rabbi Albert H Friedlander z"l 17th Yahrzeit

My father died 17 years ago today. He would have been quite happy this morning about the football, and I really miss being able to share that with him (England just qualified to play Italy in the final of the European Championships). 

This reminds me of the very last words I heard him say - I was talking with my mother on the phone from Wisconsin to London and he was watching the European Championship final in the front room. At some point he picked up the extension and said, "the Greeks have scored." A while later he picked the phone up again and exclaimed, "the Greeks have won!" He always did have a soft spot for an underdog. And those were the last words I ever heard him say live. It was a Sunday evening, and he died on the following Wednesday. 

17 years is just about a generation ago. I am middle-aged and grey. Next month it will be 50 years since the two people in this photo went to see QPR play Millwall at Loftus Road, my first ever football match. I miss him for so many reasons, but today the one taking centre stage is the love for QPR, football and sport that he shared with me. May his memory continue to be a blessing.

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Slider Turtle Zen

As per doctor's orders I went to get my blood pressure checked today but the machines at the Farmacia did not work and by the time we'd tried 4 times I was a bit too stressed to get a decent reading. We decided I would try again another day. On my way home I stopped by the pet shop to pick up some pappa for Sara the Cat, and the air-conditioning was so refreshing that I wandered to the back of the store to have a look at the fish tanks. The goldfish were a bit boring, although their colours were very jolly. And then I saw a tank of slider turtles, teeny weeny little turtles swimming around and jostling with each other for the best spot on the stones. Watching them and trying to take a couple of pictures whilst they swam was quite calming. 

Thank you teeny tiny turtles!

Monday, July 05, 2021

Addio a Raffaella Carrà

Very sad to hear just now of the death of Raffaella Carrà today. A couple of years ago, as I prepared for my move to Italy by throwing myself into Italian popular culture, she was the first icon that I fell for. I saw her perform 'Tanti Auguri', the song in this video, live on TV, and there was something about her energy that got me. I downloaded the song onto my phone and sang along and danced and threw my head like she did to punctuate the words and I just loved her.

We will continue to be blessed by the recordings she left behind. My condolences to those who knew and loved her. May she rest in peace.

Here is a link to her appearance on the David Letterman Show.
An obituary in the Guardian.
From RAI News in Italian.
and from La Repubblica here.

PS another version of Tanti Auguri (with a stunning red outfit) may be found here.

Piglet Retrospective XVIII

For the people of the United States it is a holiday weekend, celebrating Independence Day. Piglet is pictured here aboard a facsimile of the Mayflower ship in Plymouth MA. He is dreaming of a country that lives up to the ideals that motivated its founders, and he is humming a little ditty that goes like this:

This land is your land, this land is my land
From California to the New York Island
From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters
This land was made for you and me.

There is always hope. As Rabbi Tarphon wrote, you are not obliged to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from it.

Thursday, July 01, 2021

One Of Those Days

Sometimes you just have one of those days, y'know? Hopefully an early night can help to reset things. A domani.