Sunday, May 09, 2021

It's Mother's Day Today

There are those who are mothers and those who have living mothers. I am neither. As regular readers will know, over the last decade+ our tradition was Chinese food together. Rather than post another photo from past meals in London, which today feels a bit morbid to me, here's a photo of me with an unusually delighted-looking mother. To those of us with difficult parental relationships, I hear ya. May we find the healing we need. To those with positive experiences, rejoice! 

NB I originally labelled this post for Mothering Sunday, and then my friend Ron taught me that the 4th Sunday in Lent is Mothering Sunday and that, of course, was a couple of months ago. He explained that this May day was the day that female domestic servants were given to visit their mothers, and it is also the day that people visit their "mother" church. Not to mention the US version, which was basically invented by Hallmark. Thank you, Ron!

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