Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Earthquake Virgin No More


A couple of hours ago something a bit weird happened - I felt as if someone had pushed me in the back like they were trying to get past my chair. The cat ran away, but L noted that our lights that hang down from the roof were utterly still. Thus I was left to consider whether or not ghosts might actually be real, and annoyed at me for some reason.

An hour later, whilst L was out at a meeting, and I was blithely watching some Big Bang Theory, the sofa the cushions the lamp the floor the cat everything moved sideways for a few seconds; and then the messages started arriving. It was an earthquake. As was the first.

According to Corriere della Sera, "a series of earthquakes has been striking Emilia Romagna since Wednesday evening, with the epicentre between the provinces of Reggio and Modena. There has been a lot of fright and people have taken to the streets, but for the moment the Civil Protection has not reported any damage. According to the Ingv data, the first tremor was of magnitude 4.0, at a depth of 7 km, and was recorded a few minutes before 8 pm. A second tremor was felt an hour later. The INGV estimates the magnitude of the latter event at 4.3, which is more violent than the previous one."

Unlike my sisters, I have never lived in California (though I was visiting Los Angeles in 1994 but left on maybe the last plane out, utterly unaware of what would happen a couple of hours later). So this was a little scary. I have plenty of memories of feeling the Piccadilly Line thundering beneath Kent House, and the trembling of the living-room floor. But this was my first 'quake in person, and whatever I may have imagined, I was incorrect. Although our ancient palazzo has clearly gone through this for several hundred years (pu pu pu), I have not, and am still shaking a bit. The important things are: L is fine, I am fine, Sara the Cat is shaken and won't come out from under the bed for more than a few seconds but she is fine. And as far as we know so are all our friends here and hopefully everyone else. 

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