Sunday, June 14, 2020

#DrawingTogetherGM 11: A Lesson, Skill or Observation Learned During Lockdown

Today's drawing prompt for the wonderful DrawingTogether group of Graphic Medicine asked us to think for a few minutes about something we may have learned or noticed in the last few months, and to distill it down to one sentence. We then had to think of a comic to illustrate that sentence, make a rough design and draw it. I thought about how raw everyone's nerves are these days, and how I need to make an extra effort both not to take offence and to be kind. 

Next, I remembered something we discussed in our Parsha group yesterday, about how breathing air gives life to the physical body, and what then does our soul or spirit breathe? Today, kindness seemed like a decent answer to that question. Meanwhile, behind everything these days is the phrase "I can't breathe", that now represents so much in the current struggle for justice and equality.

Nu, I drew someone without a nose, who begins by over-reacting, gets a bit depressed, but in the end is restored by a random act of kindness. Piano piano, step by step.

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