Saturday, June 20, 2020

Evelyn's 80th Birthday

On Monday, it would have been Evelyn's 80th birthday. She told us several times that she absolutely did NOT wish to have a party or celebration of any kind. As with her 70th, she was hoping to slip away for a few days on some kind of lovely little trip (10 years ago she took me and Noam to a fantastic spa in North Wales, and we went to Portmeirion to see the Prisoner set as well).

I wanted to do something to mark the day, and so I'd like to invite you to do something fun on Monday, or soon, in honour of your friendship. Raise a glass of wine in a toast, or eat some Chinese food, or listen to a bit of Mahler/Bruckner; enjoy some asparagus, go to an exhibition, or bake a cranberry cheesecake. If none of those float your boat (she always did struggle to find people to accompany her to the Red Sun!), then please do something that gives you joy.

Meanwhile, I put together a slideshow  - 80 (ish) photos for Evelyn's 80th - some pictures from each decade of her life. There's no soundtrack, mainly because I wasn't sure if everyone could cope with "Pirate Jenny" from the Threepenny Opera. The link is here.


  1. I miss your Mother especially this time of year since we almost shared a birthday. Your parents were very special - and special to me. I loved seeing the "older" pictures when your parents first met - will never forget your Mom's trip to WB to be introduced! I will always think of your Mother on the 22nd - love to you, Michal and Noam.

  2. Wunderschön und traurig zugleich!
